Admission Ticket - Member

MEMBERS ONLY, please sign in

This is a members only or members pre-sale event. You must sign in to verify your eligibility.

Sold Out!


Sunday, October 31


9:30 AM  –  12:30 PM

Please select your date and play session

Bringing guests? Reserve your tickets first and then click on this link to purchase your guest's tickets. If you wish to use your unused, one-time use guest passes, please email with a screen shot(s) of the passes you are using and then reserve member tickets for your guests. We are reviewing member ticket orders, please do not exceed the number of tickets you are entitled to.

Beginning March 3, 2022:
Members will no longer need to reserve tickets in advance. Just show your eMembership and photo ID at the admission desk.

Admission Ticket Terms and Conditions

To ensure the safety of our visitors and staff, Children’s Discovery Museum requires anyone entering the facility be free of the following symptoms related to the COVID-19 virus; fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, sore throat, and new loss of sense of smell and taste. By purchasing tickets, you confirm that your family is not currently experiencing these symptoms and that you will reschedule your visit should any symptoms present themselves before entry.

Children’s Discovery Museum is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment, but we need your help! We ask our visitors to partner with us in our COVID-19 wellness efforts. When visiting, you are agreeing to follow our Code of Conduct, which includes wearing your mask inside our Museum and within our outdoor spaces so that it covers your mouth and nose. Masks are required for all individuals age 2 and up.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. We appreciate your support in helping us keep our visitors and staff healthy and safe.

Quick guide to your visit!

Rock your mask! All visitors 2 years and older are required to wear a face covering indoors and outdoors regardless of vaccination status.
Wash your hands frequently.
Observe signage.
Strollers are only allowed for children who can not walk.
Leave bicycles, wagons and carts at home or in the car.
Bring water bottles for refilling.
Light snacks for Bill's Backyard-only. No food is allowed in the museum.






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Not a member or not registered on the site, but still want to attend this event?